Zenovia says "We are in a constant state of contraction and expansion as we experience and respond to both external stimulation from the world and our own internal landscape resulting from our conscious and subconscious thinking and feeling from our emotional history and our accumulated bodily movement patterns and habits over time.
When we feel the discomfort that leads us to seek healing and bodywork assistance, we are often either too contracted and stagnant or anxious and overly stimulated and in need of help to bring us back into balance. Other times the symptoms can be the result of a trauma, pregnancy, or illness of some sort. I believe that these symptoms can successfully be addressed in a multi-layer approach by utilizing a variety of modalities in order to allow us to flow back into balance resulting in one being more comfortable on all levels with a feeling of clarity of mind and comfort in the body... peaceful but energized and connected to source."
Healings Inspire shifts to help:
~ Re-balance body, mind, and soul
~ Manage or eliminate chronic holding patterns
~ Support the immune system
~ Recover from illness or injury
~ Manage stress
~ Support pre- and post- operative conditions
~ assist Pregnancy changes
~ Seasonally tune-up
~ support special occasions and life passages
~ Spiritual and Emotional healing
Relax lying down clothed and receive a combination of hands on healing energy and ancient point bodywork and reflexology to help restore and balance, regenerate, and rejuvenate. Essential oils, herbs, sound instruments, crystals, guided imagery, and intuitive counsel may also be incorporated. Individually tailored for each session.
Several specific therapeutic essential oils are used while you relax lying down combined with Reflexology and energy balancing to help support all of the body systems (respiration, digestive, nervous system, etc.), and help to align the physical structure, the energy, and emotions. Excellent to receive during times of high tress, recovery from physical or emotional trauma, or for general immune support, alignment and balance. Chronic tension patterns:Helps redirect conscious or unconscious stress holding patterns with guided visualization, pressure point and energy work to help re-program, gain awareness, and re-educate yourself for life to minimize or eliminate the pattern. Great for TMJ syndrome and other chronic holding patterns.
$111 per session
By appointment
Gift Certificates available
Disclaimer: Information and work offered on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace medical treatment or therapy.
Energy healing is like getting a software update for yourself, clearing your internal cache, downloading new information, and rebooting.It assists in restoring our natural balance in and connection to the existing universal frequencies, which we can become disconnected to. In the process of becoming more in balance, beneficial shifts can happen physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually immediately and/or unfold over time and last a lifetime.One may notice a change of physical symptoms, behavioral and relationship shifts, lifestyle changes or any number of things. Healing can occur in both expected and unexpected forms without focusing on a specific issue or symptom and are not necessarily cures, although sometimes both will occur.There is no need for one to understand or believe in energy healing for it to work.Energy Healing sessions are for yourself, friends, family members, or pets.
Remote Healing sessions can be conducted as effectively at a distance anytime, anywhere in the world and can also be arranged for a third party who is unable to arrange it for themselves.
Lying down fully clothed and just relaxing with eyes closed, just like you're taking a nap, and receive hands-off Reconnective energy frequencies. The intelligent energies know where to go and what to do on their own to help what is needed. You choose to receive one to three sessions.
A once per lifetime session: "The Reconnection" is a two-part session of ancient origin and received only once per lifetime to activate and accelerate one's life path by specifically reconnecting the body's own energy points and meridians with the earth's grid energy system and the universal axiatonal lines. This hands-off initiatory experience has been carried down through the ages, as a form of energy baptism, and is conducted with the client comfortably lying down, fully clothed, with eyes closed and just relaxing followed by a brief conversation. Each session takes approximately 1 hr. and is given one to two sleep cycles apart, usually on two consecutive days or definitely within three days.
$333 includes two sessions
Zenovía has over three decades of experience in bodywork and healing work and has a national certification in massage and bodywork and additional certifications in:
Hypnotherapy, Aromatherapy, Vitaflex Reflexology, Reiki II, Taoist Shamanic Qi Gong, Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner, The Reconnection practitioner and Shamanic Healing, Hypnotherapy and as a Death Doula.
She is an ordained Minister and Priestess.
Additional studies and practice include: Zen Shiatsu, Trager technique, breath work, pregnancy massage, Conscious Bodywork, Polarity, lymphatic massage, cancer massage, energy clearing, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement, Aromatherapy Raindrop technique and Shamanism. She is a former Certified Medical Assistant and brings her insight gained through years of Tai Chi and Chi Gong practice, Meditation, Yoga, and professional dance performance and instruction into her sessions.
You, your friends and family of all ages, shapes, conditions and sizes. Those strained from business and life including: bodywork professionals, healers, artists, therapists, writers/editors, musicians, athletes, actors, medical professionals, students, dancers, entertainers, teachers, parents, couch potatoes and their dogs.
This work is not intended to replace medical care or therapy, diagnose or treat a medical condition, nor are there any promises or guarantees regarding results of this work.
“You’re the best masseuse at ________ (company).
SJ Computer wizard
I feel like I found myself again”.
Transformational teacher and healer
“I was going to come in every week or so, but after seeing you twice, I feel great and don’t need to come in. Something clicked in and things are going great”.
“This is so much fun”.
Business woman
"Woah, that was like inter-demensional healing".
DF, Engineer
“This is my favorite place to come every week”.
LS, Housewife and mother
"Thank you. You're GOOD!"
FZ, Musician, Composer
“I’ve had a lot of bodywork and you have a great thing going on”
Business man
“I feel so much better and open and free and inspired since I last saw you. I came back for more”.
Insurance professional
“I am going through a deep time now having just lost my dad, and I know coming to you would help”.
“The 'energy stuff' you’re doing sounds interesting... but I’d just like one of your great massages”.
JM, Filmmaker
“That was awesome. The best ever. Thank you”.
Mother/housewife w/ Multiple Sclerosis
“I'd like to make an appointment for_____. She’s just getting off a plane from touring overseas and feels awful and asked me to call to see if you can see her for two hours today. She wants you to use your magic and your oils to help her feel better. She’s got to record in the studio all next week and needs to be in good shape”.
Singer’s assistant
“Do you have any time to see me to do that juju that you do? I need to move my energy”.
MM, Singer
“If that doesn’t help, nothing will. This should be covered under Medicare”.
My mother
"I was going to go to the chiropractor but came to see you instead".
Office Manager
“Thank you. That was brilliant, as usual”.
Computer games artist/creator“
I say what I’m grateful for from A-Z, but never had anything when it came to Z. Now I can say I’m grateful for Zenovía. Thank you so much.”
Pregnant mother and housewife
“You’re serious!”
Teacher and Recovered addict
“You do more for a person than a heart doctor”.
SR, Chiropractor, my teacher & friend
“You’re more of a healer than a masseuse”.
JL, Chiropractor & colleague
“You call what you’re doing massage, but you have a lot of healing energy in your hands. You need to honor what you do... whether you have to get a Reike certificate and hang it on the wall to give yourself permission or not, you must start honoring your gift”.
S., Pro. Psychic
“You have a very special healing gift and I honor you for it”.
JV, Zen Shiatsu teacher, pro. photographer, filmmaker, and my teacher & friend
“You’ve got IT.”
KG, Zen Shiatsu master on his deathbed, my teacher & friend
You’re a very serious chick”.
LA, Professional artist and my mentor & friend
“I am calling you like I would call my grandmother’s friend who helped me when I was a little girl and hurt my back. She did something to it with her hands and made it go away. You are the person to call. I hurt my back yesterday and am taking the day off and hope you can see me. I am in bed lying down.”
DC, Office Manager
“I’ve had a lot of bodywork all over the world and that was one of the best sessions I’ve ever had”.
New client
"The oil that you put on my finger made the pain go away that has been there for months".
RS, Wholistic Medical Doctor
"I come to you when I need to get my bodywork done." Advanced professional bodyworker
"I feel so much better after I've seen you."
LM, Registered nurse
"My relationship with my husband has gotten so much better. We haven't been arguing as much and even the children have noticed a difference. When I come home from work there is so much more harmony in the house and between us all. Can you work with my mother?"
Distant healing session for a working mom
"The pain in my neck that was there for almost a year was gone after my session. I'm not sure if I should continue with my chiropractor. I asked him if I should come back and he said 'keep doing what you're doing'
Distant healing session
"I didn't particularly notice anything, except I saw that 'white light' you hear about and I feel all relaxed and tingly".
high stress saleswoman.